What is Cataract :

Cataract is the cloudiness which appears in the natural lens of the eye primarily as a result of normal ageing process. Due to this the light is scattered when it reaches the retina and visual disturbances occur.

Symptoms: -

Cataract is generally characterized by painless progressive loss of vision. 

  1. Decreased vision
  2. Glare and decreased vision in bright sunlight or from incoming headlights
  3. Complete loss of vision in advanced stages
  4. Sudden increase in the near vision (Some people can read without glasses which was previously not possible)

Treatment: -

  • Medical – In very early stages some medicines can be given to slow down the progression of the cataract and symptomatic improvement
  • Glasses – In early and moderate cases of cataract, the patients may benefit from change in glasses
  • Elliptical Phacoemulsification with IOL Implantation – The gold standard of treatment for cataract is the emulsification of the cataractous lens and replacing it with a new prosthetic Intra Ocular Lens (IOL). At BMH, we employ the latest in the technology with Ellips FX technology which helps in reducing the time of the surgery and faster recovery. It is done in majority of the cases without any injection, stitch, or bandage and patients can get back to their normal lives, almost immediately. The post operative vision depends on multiple factors, the biggest one being the choice of the IOL.  They are generally divided into these categories
    1. Monofocal IOL – In this type of IOL, vision for distance is made better and for near work glasses would be required
    2. Extended Depth Of Focus (EDOF) – The latest in the line up of the IOLs is the EDOF lenses which give excellent vision for distance and intermediate work without the sometimes disturbing effects of the multifocal IOLs
    3. Multifocal IOL – As the name suggests, these IOLs are deisgned to give the patients good vision at all the 3 distances – distance, intermediate and near
      1. Trifocal – They are the kind of lenses which give excellent distance, intermediate vision and near vision but there may be gaps in between these distances. 
      2. Continuous Range of Vision IOLs – The most advanced IOL designed today combines two technologies to give a continous range of vision over all distances with much reduced glare and haloes at night
  • Your doctor will discuss the best IOL for you depending upon your requirements, your job profile and other co existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc.